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这是我在互联网上找到的一些代码。我不确定该如何使用。我只是用枚举键/值填充了 members ,并且它起作用了,但是我很好奇这个元类的全部含义。我假设它与ctypes有关,但是我找不到关于ctypes子类化的很多信息。我知道EnumerationType并没有使用我使用Enumeration的方式。

This is some code I found on the internet. I'm not sure how it is meant to be used. I simply filled members with the enum keys/values and it works, but I'm curious what this metaclass is all about. I am assuming it has something to do with ctypes, but I can't find much information on subclassing ctypes. I know EnumerationType isn't doing anything the way I'm using Enumeration.

from ctypes import *

class EnumerationType(type(c_uint)):  
    def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dict):  
        if not "_members_" in dict:  
            _members_ = {}  
            for key,value in dict.items():  
                if not key.startswith("_"):  
                    _members_[key] = value  
            dict["_members_"] = _members_  
        cls = type(c_uint).__new__(metacls, name, bases, dict)  
        for key,value in cls._members_.items():  
            globals()[key] = value  
        return cls  

    def __contains__(self, value):
        return value in self._members_.values()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Enumeration %s>" % self.__name__

class Enumeration(c_uint):
    __metaclass__ = EnumerationType
    _members_ = {}
    def __init__(self, value):
        for k,v in self._members_.items():
            if v == value:
                self.name = k
            raise ValueError("No enumeration member with value %r" % value)
        c_uint.__init__(self, value)

    def from_param(cls, param):
        if isinstance(param, Enumeration):
            if param.__class__ != cls:
                raise ValueError("Cannot mix enumeration members")
                return param
            return cls(param)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<member %s=%d of %r>" % (self.name, self.value, self.__class__)

And an enumeration probably done the wrong way.  

class TOKEN(Enumeration):
    _members_ = {'T_UNDEF':0, 'T_NAME':1, 'T_NUMBER':2, 'T_STRING':3, 'T_OPERATOR':4, 'T_VARIABLE':5, 'T_FUNCTION':6}




A metaclass is a class used to create classes. Think of it this way: all objects have a class, a class is also an object, therefore, it makes sense that a class can have a class.

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-pymeta .html


To understand what this is doing, you can look at a few points in the code.

 _members_ = {'T_UNDEF':0, 'T_NAME':1, 'T_NUMBER':2, 'T_STRING':3, 'T_OPERATOR':4, 'T_VARIABLE':5, 'T_FUNCTION':6}

globals()[key] = value

这里需要使用字典中定义的每个键: T_UNDEF和 T_NUMBER,并使其在您的全局字典中可用。

Here it takes every defined key in your dictionary: "T_UNDEF" "T_NUMBER" and makes them available in your globals dictionary.

def __init__(self, value):
    for k,v in self._members_.items():
        if v == value:
            self.name = k


Whenever you make an instance of your enum, it will check to see if the "value" is in your list of allowable enum names when you initialized the class. When the value is found, it sets the string name to self.name.

c_uint.__init__(self, value)

这是将 ctypes值设置为实际的c无符号整数的实际行。

This is the actual line which sets the "ctypes value" to an actual c unsigned integer.


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